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Abstract Mechanical Structure

Work Packages

Team of Industrial Engineers

Work Package 1:


This work package (WP) ensures quality management and support of the doctoral network to deliver the expected results.

Work Package 2:

Training for Industrial Impact

This WP aims to ensure the successful completion of the training objectives through delivering high-quality and appropriately tailored training activities and career development advice.

Training course
Data Processing

Work Package 3:

Data, Diagnostics and Prognostics for Decision-Making

WP3 encompasses the research activities

of four doctoral candidates, aiming to develop data acquisition, diagnostics, and prognostics methodologies that automatically provide the appropriate information basis for autonomous decision-making.

Work Package 4:

Design and Impact Assessment of Autonomous Actions

WP4 aims to deliver Research Objective 2, that is, to develop a catalogue of automated mitigation actions and their associated impacts, for a set of critical, labour-intensive wind turbine operation use cases.

Industrial Engineer
Wind Turbine Engineers

Work Package 5:

Optimal Decision Making

The primary goal of WP5 is to build the elements of a decision-making pipeline covering information processing, insights, and optimal business decisions.

Work Package 6:

Trustworthy Decision Processand Implementation

The objective of WP6 is to deliver Research Objectives 4 and 5, proposing solutions for integration of autonomous systems in the wind energy business, and means of dealing with uncertainty and robustness; as well as consolidating the findings in deliverables

Shared Office

Work Package 7:

Communications, dissemination and exploitation

This WP aims to maximise the short-term and long-term impact of IntelliWind by promoting the project activities, disseminating the findings, and publishing open tools, and engaging with end users to utilise project results.

Contact Us

Scientific Project Coordinator:

Nikolay Dimitrov,

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